Benefits Of Borte Trust Bortezomib injection
What is the Borte Trust Bortezomib injection Borte Trust Bortezomib injection benefits include the ability to kill malignant cells. It is an anticancer drug that blocks enzymes that help cancer cells survive and multiply. Bortezomib is used to treat multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer. In addition, it is also used to treat some types of leukemia. Borte Trust Bortezomib injections are given as an intravenous infusion or as a subcutaneous injection. They are typically given once or twice a week, and are usually administered for two or four weeks. The dose is determined by the doctor and the condition being treated. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take this medication. This medication can be dangerous for your baby, so you should discuss it with your doctor before you start taking it. Taking too much bortezomib may cause intense, unwanted side effects. Borte Trust Bortezomib is an antineoplastic agent that targets the ubiquitin-proteasome pathwa...